Monday, March 26, 2012

CGIU conference notes

Hey everyone! Stephanie and I are leaving on Wednesday for the Clinton Global Initiative University in Washington DC. If anyone is interested in notes from the conference talks, which include "raising money for your commitment" (which could be used to raising money for your practice, or other projects!) and using social media marketing, let me know and I'll send them to you :] hope everyone is having a great break! -Rebecca

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

KhanAcademy: Universal Education

KhanAcademy, started by MIT / Harvard graduate Salman Khan, is like a web-based classroom that provides free lessons for primary and secondary students, in a variety of subjects. Khan narrates lessons while writing on a colorful chalkboard. KhanAcademy is being used all over the world by individual knowledge seekers, and is even being integrated as a learning tool into actual classroom settings.
See: CBS documentary on the Khan Academy

Hannah's project in Bangladesh

For information on Hannah's work on the housing and land-rights situation of the camp-dwelling Urdu-speaking community in Bangladesh see the blog she kept while there from Sept. 2009- Aug. 2010.
For useful summary of the projects that emerged through her research/ findings, see the post from October 26, 2010.
A link to her final report can be found at:

Fulbright Scholarship

Apply through your university in the Fall semester (application usually due in early September) for post-graduation use of Fulbright Scholarship for either research or teaching English abroad.