My first attendance to Women's Economic Agenda Project (WEAP) Training left me feeling nauseous, for one reason. Andy Lopez. He is a 13 year old boy, who got shot in Santa Rosa by a Sonoma County police officer for carrying a toy gun.
When this story came up, a woman at the training site raised her hand to speak. And, this story made me feel uneasy for the rest of the training session.
According to her story, a police officer approached a Latino person to take off his shirt and intimidated him because he was wearing a campaign shirt for Andy Lopez at a shopping mall. Someone in the surrounding crowd called a lawyer for help, so the lawyer appeared in the same shirt. Even before the lawyer approached the police officer to argue for the constitutional rights that questions the behaviors of the officer, the officer did not attempt to approach the lawyer. It was not because he was a lawyer; the officer did not know of the status. But, it was for another reason. The lawyer was a white male.
Racial inequality and poverty were issues that had ubiquitously appeared in the media and academic articles. Among the articles, the "Equity" section of "Deeping Democracy: Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance," by Archon Fung and Erik Olin Wright, states that to make
public action more effective, there must be an inclusion of disadvantaged individuals. However, the society seems to prefer keeping the disadvantaged individuals muted. With such silence, any public actions would not succeed in its deliberative process.
So many campaigns are being carried out for the tragedy of Andy Lopez. However, I am not entirely sure of the direction of these campaigns. These protestants are deprived of opportunities to make their voices heard, like how Andy Lopez was not given a chance to speak for himself.
According to her story, a police officer approached a Latino person to take off his shirt and intimidated him because he was wearing a campaign shirt for Andy Lopez at a shopping mall. Someone in the surrounding crowd called a lawyer for help, so the lawyer appeared in the same shirt. Even before the lawyer approached the police officer to argue for the constitutional rights that questions the behaviors of the officer, the officer did not attempt to approach the lawyer. It was not because he was a lawyer; the officer did not know of the status. But, it was for another reason. The lawyer was a white male.
Racial inequality and poverty were issues that had ubiquitously appeared in the media and academic articles. Among the articles, the "Equity" section of "Deeping Democracy: Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance," by Archon Fung and Erik Olin Wright, states that to make
public action more effective, there must be an inclusion of disadvantaged individuals. However, the society seems to prefer keeping the disadvantaged individuals muted. With such silence, any public actions would not succeed in its deliberative process.
So many campaigns are being carried out for the tragedy of Andy Lopez. However, I am not entirely sure of the direction of these campaigns. These protestants are deprived of opportunities to make their voices heard, like how Andy Lopez was not given a chance to speak for himself.